26. Juli 2010

Robert in Malibu...

... mit seiner Managerin Steph! Er war sich ein Film ansehen und danach wohl noch auf einer Hausparty. Und dann kam noch dieses Statement von Roberts Managmet:

Caption from the agency: Robert spent the day in Malibu, going to theaters and to a house party, when leaving the house Robert got really upset seen photographers waiting outside for his picture to follow him home, Robert went to Venice after leaving Malibu where he stopped twice asking to the photographers to leave him alone, Robert came out of the car confronted the photographers and talked to them explaining they wouldn't find out where he lives, Robert asked the cops for help but they didn't help making Robert even more upset, both times Robert stopped his car he spent at least 45 minutes waiting at the local to see if the photographers would leave.

Von dieser Situation gibt es wohl auch Fotos aber wir stellen (so wie die meisten Fanseiten) diese Bilder nicht on, denn wir wollen dieses Verhalten der Paparazzi nicht unterstützen!

Quelle & noch ganz viele Bilder

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